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SUNDAY - PARISH MASS : 9.30am at St Andrew's, Seaside

                                              11.00am at Christ Church, Seaside

MONDAY - SAID MASS : 12.00noon at St Andrew's

TUESDAY - SAID MASS : 5.30pm at St Andrew's

WEDNESDAY - SAID MASS : 11.30am at Christ Church

THURSDAY - SAID MASS : 9.15am at St Andrew's

SATURDAY - SAID MASS (BCP): 9.00am at St Andrew's except the last Saturday of the month

Weekly events at Christ Church include KNIT & NATTER (Tuesday 10.30am); BELL RINGING PRACTICE (Tuesday 7pm); HOME GROUP (Thursday), PRAYER GROUP (Friday 10.30am)

Regular events at St Andrew's include DROP-IN CAFE, Tuesday 8.45am in Church; CAMEO (Come Along & Meet Each Other) 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2pm-4pm, St Andrew's Parish Hall;  MANTIME (Men's Breakfast) 2nd Saturday of the month 10am, St Andrew's Parish Hall;  JUNIOR CHURCH (for all school age children) 9.15am at St Andrew's Church;  LADIES' BRUNCH, last Saturday of the month, 10am, St Andrew's Parish Hall

FAMILY SERVICE - 4@4 -  on the 4th Sunday of each month at 4pm, in St Andrew's Parish Hall, Seaside

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